Forget these Unique Facts of Whales if You Dare

Some different species of whales have their own unique characteristics and identities. Do you know which is the biggest whale or how big is it? You should check some unique facts about whales here.
Begin with the biggest whale, the blue whale is the largest creature on Earth. You know, it is larger than Dinosaurs. Have you ever heard about the female whale in Antarctic Ocean? Well, it is the biggest recorded blue whale with more than 30.5 m long. Wow, it is as long as a Boeing 737 plane. Imagine if its body is as large as a plane, so how about its tongue? The whole football team could stand on it for sure. Its heart is about the size of a VW Beetle Car and it means you can calculate the weight of it, can’t you?
The blue whale is big, but it does not have a big brain. The huge head of whale is a sperm whale. Having the huge head makes them have a big brain. Their head could be a place to park a car. it contains a yellowish wax named spermaceti. You can figure it out if you dare to be closed to them.
Whales with their various type are spread out around the world. You can find them in every single ocean and they are familiar with their tone of skin. Their appearance, diet, behavior, and ways of communicating are different based on their life. Do you know if they are the largest member of the dolphin family? The whale is a dolphin, but maybe you may think if they are not as cute as a dolphin, but they are quite smart.
Whales are the good divers. They could dive deeply and long. It means they have a good preparation to take a breath inside the water. Some of them are killers, but the rest of them are nice. Therefore, you do not need to scare to the whole whales.
Another fact of them is they cannot sleep fully because the half brain of them should keep awake. They cannot breathe unconditionally. Although they are mammals, they are different to humans. To check if they are sleeping or not, you can see their movement. They will swim slowly and close to the surface when they are sleeping. Will you dare to forget these facts? If you do not want to get hunt by the whales, you should remember these facts.
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