Top 10 Highest IQ People In the World

Top 10 Highest IQ People In the World

 Top 10 Highest IQ People In the World

Although there is no surefire way to measure a person's level of intelligence, IQ tests are believed to be the most appropriate way to approach it. So far the IQ test results have been used as a benchmark for measuring one's analytical, logical and intellectual abilities. By being given an IQ test that is a little complicated, some people turn out to be able to give high IQ test results.

10. Stephen Hawking 160

Stephen Hawking is a name that is familiar to anyone's ears. His name is worldwide for his work entitled 'A Brief History of Time'. His book is very well known and has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide since 1988. His book has become the biggest contribution in the field of physics. Embellish theoretical physics with ideas that are revolutionary and exceed the ability of human thinking in general.

9. Albert Einstein 160-190

The extraordinary IQ intelligence of Albert Einstein has never been fully known to anyone. Reportedly, Einstein had never taken an exam to calculate IQ levels, so no one knew exactly how much. But it is believed that the IQ score that Einstein possessed was roughly between 160 and 190, really isn't it? With his critical analysis based on revolutionary thinking skills, he succeeded in producing brilliant ideas about relativity in quantum mechanics.

8. Judit Polgar 170

Judit Polgar is a chess player who has an IQ of 170 and has won the title of grandmaster in the world of chess at the age of just 15 years. The game of chess itself has been well-known since long ago as a game of intellectuals. You're not smart enough if you can't win when playing chess, that's what is usually heard.

7. Phillip Emeagwali 190

Compared to the person who has the highest IQ in the world, Philip Emeagwali is probably less well known. Even though he has an IQ of 190. He is a mathematician, engineer and earth expert. He once applied for a PhD at Michigan University, but was refused due to race problems. Until finally he also sued the university.

6. Garry Kasparov 194

A Russian-born chess player who started his chess career in 1986, he obtained an IQ of 194 which is the highest IQ in the world of western circles. With his 194 IQ, Garry won the number one player in the world for 225 months of the 228 months. With ELO acquisition the highest rating is 2851.

5. Chritopher Langan 190-210

Christopher Michael Langan is predicted to be one of the smartest people in the United States. He was expelled from Montana University because it was smarter than the lecturer. Having an IQ of 195, Langan developed the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe or also known as the Theory of Everything.

4. Kim-Ung Yong 210

Kim Ung-Yong is a super genius boy from South Korea who was born with high IQ abilities,   210. On his third birthday, he is already fluent in many foreign languages ​​such as English, German, Korean and Japanese. He then accepted a job at the United States Aviation and Space Agency or NASA as a researcher.

3.Christoper Hirata 225

At the age of 13 Christopher Hirata won the gold medal at the International Physics Olympiad in 1996. At the age of 16 worked at NASA as a researcher on the planet Mars. The following year, he was accepted to the California Institute of Technology and won a Doctorate at the age of 22 years. And now he serves as Professor in Astrophysics at the same institute.

2. Terence Tao 225-300

Just like Christopher, Terence Tao is also a prodigy who has an IQ of about 225 to 230. His genius was successful in bringing the Fields Medal award in 2006 for his expertise in various fields in the realm of Mathematics. Now, the man with the highest IQ reaches 230, has devoted himself as a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.

1. William James Sidis 250-300

Hearing someone's IQ can reach 300 must make the hair on our necks goose bumps. In fact an IQ above 140 is very rare and special. Because the average IQ level of a 'normal' human only scores 90 to 119 (smart), above that number, surely that person is super genius. Does anyone really have an IQ as high as 300? The proof is there. William James Sidis this Jewish descent man has the highest IQ in history with an IQ of 300. And he is fluent in 40 different languages ​​from around the world.


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