5 Scary Animals in the World, from Physical to Ability

 5 Scary Animals in the World, from Physical to Ability

Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. This time, Do you ever feel afraid of animal? Well this time, you should know about the scariest animal you can find in the world.

There are many unique and cute animals, but it turns out that there are more scary animals in this world, you know! Do you know? These animals are considered the most scary animals in the world because of their physical appearance and abilities. It was so scary, just looking at the photos of the animals made me shudder!

1. Leaf-tailed Gecko

The leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) became the first terrifying animal because of its physical appearance, which is very different from that of ordinary geckos. This gecko has red eyes and small horns protruding above its eyes. Although his body is small, this gecko has a very great camouflage ability to trick his enemies. Unfortunately, this animal is also categorized by WWF as an endangered fauna.

2. Thorny Lizard

The spiny lizard (Moloch horridus) as the name implies is a creepy type of lizard because it has thorns all over its body. The spines on the body of this lizard are clearly visible from the head to the tip of the tail Fortunately, this scary animal only eats ants as its main food!

3. Poodle Moth

Although this scary animal is well known, not much information is known about it. Reportedly, the poodle moth is a new moth species discovered by Dr Arthur Anker from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in 2009. This moth has a very scary appearance with a giant body size like a monster. Dr. Arthur found an animal that looks like the Muslin Moth in the Grand Sabana area, Venezuela.

4. Goliath Tiger Fish

Of the many types of fish in this world, we have seen only a small part of it. Many fish species are still unfamiliar or even unknown to humans because their habitats are not accessible to human hands, one of which is the Goliath Tiger Fish. This gruesome animal is found in the watershed of the Congo River and Lake Tanganyika in Africa. What makes this animal so terrifying is its wide mouth shape and big and sharp teeth to prey on its enemies!

5. Caterpillar Lobster Moth

Judging from the name alone, this animal is already very scary because it is a combination of lobster and caterpillar. In other words, this scary animal is a caterpillar that has a shape similar to a lobster. The Caterpillar Moth Lobster can be found in the Palearctic ecozone region from Europe, Asia, and Africa (except North Africa).

Okay, these are the 5 Scariest animals that will haunt in your dream. Don’t forget to share, like and subscribe


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