Picking The Right Food For Your Dogs

 Picking The Right Food For Your Dogs

In another article, we have shared about what kind of foods you should give to your dog and what you should not give to them. Another thing you should take a look in feeding dogs is about food selection. You should make sure that you have chosen the proper and appropriate foods. Here are things you should consider before feeding your dogs. If you choose the wrong foods, it can cause several problems that will take a lot of cares to do.

1- Choosing dog food according to age

Actually, the selection of dog food is not differentiated based on the type of dog you have. What you need to pay attention to is the stage of a dog's life starting from puppy, adult, to senior dog (old). Each stage requires a different type of food because the nutritional needs are different. Here's the information:

- Puppy

Puppies need a type of food that has an ideal protein to fat ratio. This food is needed to help puppies grow faster and healthier. At the age of a puppy, you should give product that has been designed for puppy to protect it. Puppy body resistance can be protected with right product which contains colostrum to increase the immune response of your beloved dog.

- Adult dog

Dogs are classified as adults between 1 - 6 years old. As an adult, dogs need increased protein and fat intake. You can give an adult dog dry dog ​​food because this type of food is considered sufficient.
Give them dog foods which contains prebiotics to improve intestinal health and maintain a healthy body. With their high antioxidant content, you have helped to make your dog ready for aging.

- Senior dog

For older dogs, dry dog ​​food is indispensable. Senior dog protein and fat requirements are less than adult dogs. However, this old dog needs more fiber to keep his body in shape.

2- Choosing dog food according to habit

In choosing the best dog food, it is not only the age of your beloved dog that must be considered. You also have to consider their habit in order to meet their needs. Here's the information:

- Love to eat

Dogs that eat a lot will usually experience several problems such as obesity and being overweight. If continued, their health will be threatened. Instead, provide low-calorie food and enough nutrition for them to use the store of fat into energy.

- Picky Eater

If your beloved dog often has no appetite, give them a full day's fast every week by simply giving them a drink. Stop giving snacks because it can trigger their appetite again. If your dog still has trouble eating, you can give them a delicious dog foods especially for dogs who like to be picky eaters. Choose a dog food that suits their protein source, age and habits so that your beloved dog can grow up healthy and perfect, because the level of activity for each dog is different, you must choose a dog food brand that suits their needs.

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