4 Largest Animals in the World. Some weigh up to 2 tons!

4 Largest Animals in the World. Some weigh up to 2 tons!

Hello everyone,

The world is made up of millions of animal species. We are often familiar with animals that are medium size and too much the size of a human body. However, the existence of the largest animal in the world also coexists with us, lo!

The size of an animal can be measured by its length, height or weight. If we see it, we will be amazed by the size that is beyond reason. Well, here are the 7 largest animals in the world that will amaze you with their size.

Largest Animal in the World

1. Blue Whale

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest animal that ever lived. Yes, the body size of the blue whale is bigger than any dinosaur or other giant animal that ever existed. Body length can reach 30 m and weigh around 200 tons or more than 200,000 kg. In the oceans, these animals occupy the position of top predators. They are not only the largest animals on earth today, but also of all time.

2. Whale Shark

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is not the largest animal in the ocean. However, because whales are mammals, whale sharks still hold the title of being the largest swimming fish on earth. The average length of this animal reaches 9.7 m and weighs up to 9 tons. This large animal has inhabited the oceans of the earth since 60 million years ago. Whale sharks can live quite a long time, up to more than 70 years. Unlike its notorious shark sibling, it turns out that whale sharks only eat plankton, you know!

3. African Bush Elephant

The African Bush Elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) is the largest land mammal at over 6 tonnes. This animal is a sub species of African elephant. What was their approximate height? It can reach 7.5 meters in length and 3.3 meters in height to the shoulder, as noted on the worldwildlife.org page. Its tusks can grow to nearly 2.5 meters in size and weigh between 25 and 50 kg. This elephant has four molar teeth weighing about 5 kg each and measuring 30 cm long.

4. Polar Bear

The largest land carnivore is the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). With a length of 2.7 m and a weight of nearly 600 kg, they are predators that are very feared by seals. This animal is classified as a reliable swimmer because it is able to swim up to 60 miles without stopping. They swim using their front and hind limbs as a steering wheel. These polar bears have a very sharp sense of smell, even they are able to smell whale carcasses or seals from a distance of 20 miles.

Okay, these are the 4 largest animal walking on Earth. Don’t forget to share, like and subscribe


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