The Fact on Mysterious Dinosaurs

The Fact on Mysterious Dinosaurs

What makes dinosaurs mysterious? There are too many hidden things can be found in dinosaurs. For example, is the mystery of the Brontosaurus neck. It looks normal, but the weight is more than a plane. It makes them become the largest animal. In addition, Pachycephalosaurs also have a unique way to live. After a long journey, the mystery is solved. They live in rock strata for 84-66 million years ago. You will get confused on their bones that disappeared suddenly. It still becomes a mystery to solve. Experts made us amaze on their giant size, but we need more details about Dinosaurs hidden facts.

You need to know that most dinosaurs are dead without the detailed fact of the cause. Even the environment returned to normal, there still no bone to be found in a few thousand years. Mysterious dinosaurs like ghosts. No one could prove their reason to heal the world. We only know the story of them from science books, news, and mouth to mouth.

Dinosaurs with their various species fill the world. We still curious about their foods and how they found the foods in their giant size. Their behaviour is mysterious. You must notice their ‘living place’ and their favourite place to rest. How tall their nest should be? How big their home to save them from the storm? All of them are still in the big questions. If you want to discover and find the true answer, grab the time machine. No one of the researchers can give a valid fact about Dinosaurs. The movies showed us ‘imagination’ and fairytale. The documentary told as a lot of missing facts. After you read the encyclopedia, what is the knowledge that you could sum up? Do you think everything is clear or do you think everything become more mysterious?


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