Can Cats See Ghosts?

Can Cats See Ghosts?

 Do you dare to see the Ghost with your own eyes? Well, we meet again in my channel and let’s see what is new here. Cats have long been known as animals that have mystical powers. Have you ever caught your cat chasing something unseen, or meowing at empty? After seeing this strange behavior, negative thoughts came to you. Could it be that the cat saw a ghost?

But is it true that cats can see ghosts? Or is it just our concern? To get the answer, consider the following explanation!

1. Cats are believed to be able to communicate with spirits

Since ancient times, cats are often attached to things that are magical. For example, among the people of Ancient Egypt. There, cats were highly valued and considered sacred animals.

No one can kill a cat. Even when the animal dies, the family that raises it is obliged to shave their eyebrows as a form of condolences.

2. Cats have sharp hearing

Moving on from mythology, now let's look at this phenomenon from a scientific perspective. The first thing we need to know about cats is that they have much sharper senses than humans. Especially in terms of hearing. Humans can only hear sounds up to 20 thousand hertz, while cats can hear up to 65 thousand hertz. This ability allows cats to know what the electric current sounds like in our homes.

3. Cats can see things that humans can't see

Not only hearing, cat eyes are also very sharp. Cats have eight times as many light-detecting cells as humans. This means that the cat is able to see even in very dark conditions. They also have such precise vision.

4. Can cats really see ghosts?

Until now, there is no scientific research that can explain whether cats can see ghosts or not. However, by having the above abilities, it is possible that cats can feel the presence of other "creatures" around them.

5. These are signs that your cat can see ghosts!

While we are not sure whether cats can see ghosts or not, there are some signs they may display when they sense the presence of another "creature". The following include:

  • Their fur suddenly rose for no apparent reason, this indicated that they were shocked;
  • Looks restless, is hiding behind you, or even wants to protect you from something.
  • The cat looks at an empty direction for a long time;
  • Meowing, hissing, or growling in an empty direction;
  • Their eyes moved as if following something in front of them;

Although it has not been scientifically proven, but the ability of cats can make it able to see and feel the presence of ghosts or astral creatures.

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